Conversation of Youthful Couple

She has a hole in her jeans
and they sit together so tight
on the bus bench
companions and friends.

Bus tickets at 11.95
he counts it out
well we can get some...
(I miss the words
but I feel the pinching of

Small and young, huddled together
in the glass shelter against the cold.
Are you going to work he says.
No I can't work on zero sleep.
Well when I worked at McDonalds all night
I could and if you could do it there
you could...

We could go to your place.
We could if my dad wasn't...
You know she says
you didn't have to let them in.
The police can come in any time
they don't need a warrant. I didn't
want them to break down the door.

They just knocked and asked to come in
and I said ok.

Then I am blessed by the #45.


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